Get detail of a cron job.
In above example, [token] should be replaced with the true token string.
{"status":"success","cron_job":{"cron_job_id":"2107","cron_job_name":"Read feeds","description":"Triggers script to read feeds.","user_id":"1","url":"http:\/\/\/readfeeds","auth_user":"user123","auth_pw":"pw123","cron_expression":"15 1 * * * *","timezone":"UTC","total_successes":"0","total_failures":"0","number_failed_time":"0","epds_occupied":"2","email_me":"1","sensitivity":"1","send_slack":"1","slack_sensitivity":"1","slack_url":"","group_id":"74","http_method":"GET","http_headers":"","http_message_body":"","custom_timeout":"30","criterion":"2","success_regexp":"succeeded","failure_regexp":"","wh":"1","wh_url":"","wh_http_method":"POST","wh_data":["CRON_JOB_ID","CRON_JOB_NAME"],"status":"0","created":"2012-03-19 17:04:18","updated":"2012-08-11 14:25:23"}}
Above example response is equal to the following array:
Array ( [status] => success [cron_job] => Array ( [cron_job_id] => 2107 [cron_job_name] => Read feeds [description] => Triggers script to read feeds. [user_id] => 1 [url] => [auth_user] => user123 [auth_pw] => pw123 [cron_expression] => 15 1 * * * * [timezone] => UTC [total_successes] => 0 [total_failures] => 0 [number_failed_time] => 0 [epds_occupied] => 2 [email_me] => 1 [sensitivity] => 1 [send_slack] => 1 [slack_sensitivity] => 1 [slack_url] => [group_id] => 74 [http_method] => GET [http_headers] => [http_message_body] => [custom_timeout] => 30 [criterion] => 2 [success_regexp] => succeeded [failure_regexp] => [wh] => 1 [wh_url] => [wh_http_method] => POST [wh_data] => Array(CRON_JOB_ID, CRON_JOB_NAME) [status] => 0 [created] => 2012-03-19 17:04:18 [updated] => 2012-08-11 14:25:23 ) )
The attributes of the above result are pretty self-explanatory except for two of them. The first one is "email_me". Its value could be 0 (never send email), 1 (send email if the cron job failed) and 2 (send email after each execution of the cron job). The other one is "status". Its value could be 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled) and 2 (failed).
If you use an invalid token, you may receive following error response:
{"status":"error","error":{"code":"1","message":"Wrong API token."}}
The equal readable array is:
Array ( [status] => error [error] => Array ( [code] => 1 [message] => Wrong API token. ) )
If there is something wrong with the arguments, you may receive other errors:
code: 25
message: The cron job ID is invalid.
If you make too much API requests in one day, you may receive following error:
code: 26
message: You have exceeded your max daily API request limit.